Getting the RIGHT Education to Win in FOREX
Hello, If you want to win at FOREX trading you need the right education. The fact is 95% of novice traders lose all their equity quickly, that's not because they don't work hard or can't win - they simply put their efforts in the wrong area. Let's look at how to achieve currency trading success by learning forex trading the right way. Use the Internet You can get all the Forex education you need for free on the net, you simply have to look in the right areas, which we will explain in more detail in a moment. A fatal mistake Is to think you can buy success from a guru or mentor on the net. Most of the information sold is junk or available free anyway. Many traders are duped by attractive advertising copy, claiming that you can make huge regular profits by buying an e-book for $100 or so, but the reality is: If the information was so good it would not be sold; these vendors would simply trade for themselves and the fact is they don't. The...